Winston (Duke) leaves the nest!

Pickup day for Winston! After a long wait Winston’s boy (who was truly a delight!) came to visit again and this time Winston got to go home with him.  Winston also gets a new “mom and dad”  and I think they will all be very happy. Winston is their first family dog although mom and dad had dogs growing up. I love Winston being the first dog and he will be remembered for such a long time. Was a great beginning start and they were able to watch him for a while as he grew.

He will be coming back for visits (love that!) once we remodel and the family will hopefully be coming for their Annual Christmas tree once the 780 baby seedling trees we planted grow. Winston’s family is friends with Mattie’s family so both doodles will get to see each other grow. They were also able to visit with Bodhi family when they visited so that is always great to have met the siblings as the doodles leave the nest. Mattie’s family will pick up Mattie next weekend as they doing the Robotics competition.

Our daughter picked up Daisy after Winston’s family had left and reports that Daisy is enjoying her toys as if for the first time and loving seeing her “daddy” Andrew. Back to the city life for Daisy but I did miss her sleeping in bed with us. Winston’s boy has plans for Winston sleeping with him, but we told him only after he is a bit bigger and potty trained. 🙂

And then there were two… with Wishbone still available for adoption.

On another note, Izzy goes for the “pre-whelp” vet visit today and we hope to have an xray of the puppies she will be expecting.

Winston's family


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