What to expect this week

Wow! 1/2 way there! I have two puppy owners that have waited over a year for this litter. While you wait, be sure to read your resources and don’t forget to hang the common dog words on the fridge so your family all use the same word.

For our labradoodles, this is the week they start carrying things in their mouths and playing as they can now walk, see and hear. This is the week of play. Behind the play is the development of their “social pack” order.  They will follow each other and play fight. They should see clearly during this week and have all their teeth by the end of the week. They should also hear clearly by the end of this week and are exposed to household noises they will hear as an adult.  The puppy play pen gives them room to explore in a safe area. They get toys, balls, baby kongs and other things go on to stimulate them and challenge them mentally and physically. This is where the Kizer kids shine!

They will get  more and more rice added to their milk and by the end of this week will have had some very wet ground puppy food added into their bowl to prepare the doodles for when Gracie will say “no milk for you!”. 

They will be handled several times a day, their feet and toes touched, their ears and mouth and teeth touched.  This is all to develop them into socialized adults. Play helps develop their minds and “problem solve”.  By the end of this week we really see who they are becoming and have a pretty good idea of what match might be right. They have a U Go Dog in the puppy play pen to help them learn there is a designated spot to go.

They go from sleeping less (they still sleep much right now) to playing more and learn responses occur when the act or react.  And then they roll into… well, I will save that for the next week. 🙂

Rosie at 4 Weeks Old

Daisy (AKA Jory) 4 Weeks

Buttercup 4 Weeks

Dash was Dashing at 4 Weeks! Hard to get a good picture

Harley 4 Weeks

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