Wha Hoo!!! An Auzzie update!!

(the following is an Auzzie update email. I took some text out from the email and xxed out the names but thought you all would enjoy it…especially those of you that have puppies that are related to Auzzie. (Liberty’s Trust) LOVE the photo of Auzzie in the hand-chair! Thank you!)…


Dear Vicky and Jeff,

Happy New Year!  How are you?  I hope the holidays were a wonderful 
time for you and your family.

I am so sorry for the delay in answering your last e-mail.  It has 
been more than a bit chaotic around here getting settled in a new 
area, the holidays, an active 10 year old and very playful 6 month old 
puppy.  Auzzie is doing great!  He was having a hard time with some of 
the vaccines so they were spaced out a bit.  He finished with 
everything the last week of November.  When the vet called to 
let us know everything went well, I asked what time we should come to 
pick him up  – they said next February would be just fine – they love 
him and said he was just too cute, lovable and easy to handle.  Kudos 
to you! 

Here’s another story about Auzzie (Liberty’s Trust) ….  We went to 
visit my family for Thanksgiving but couldn’t take Auzzie with us.  We 
didn’t want to kennel him as he had just had his last shots so he 
stayed with friends of a very good friend (follow that one!) who 
volunteered to keep him.  They are a retired couple who have had 
Schnauzers but their last one passed away last year after a long 
battle with diabetes and they feel they travel too much and it was too 
painful to add another dog to their family.  Auzzie stayed with them 
for a week.  They too didn’t want to give him back.  They said he is 
the most loving, playful dog they have ever met.  They said he doesn’t 
have a mean bone in his body and was a joy to have in the house.  They 
would love to watch him again and meet for “Auzzie time”.  I am so 
happy to have found you and Liberty Labradoodles!

At home we are dealing with the terrible twos… he has started 
grabbing socks and xx’s stuffed animals and playing chase with 
them as well as digging in the rose bushes for voles.  We tried puppy 
class when he was three months old but he was very timid with other 
dogs and it didn’t go well.  We start another class tonight.  He has 
some basic commands but I think the class will be good for all of us.  
He LOVES the dog park and follows all the big dogs.  His “best buddy” 
there is a three year old Great Dane named Gus.  They play so well –  
it’s hilarious.  Auzzie and xx’s guinea pigs have also bonded and 
it’s so cute to watch them nuzzle noses through their cage.  We really 
feel he could use another dog in the house to have a playmate but I 
want to wait until he is fully trained and a bit older.  What do you 
think about adding another dog?  Older?  Younger? Male? Female? and 
when is a good time?

Attached are photos from Halloween and two weeks ago.  He is 
definitely due for a haircut!  We are meeting with a groomer Friday.  
We’ll send you a cute pic once he’s been trimmed and can see again!

All the best, we promise to write sooner next time.

Tracy xxxx



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