Week Two in Review

I added the two week pictures on the puppy page of our web site, but as I prepare to add week three updates I thought I would add the two week pictures (below). As we go, the puppy web pages make room for more recent shots so this gives a good “journal” of their development.

They are growing very fast; week two saw their eyes open, and legs start working as they go from wobble to walking. J Chubby!! Libby is doing great and allows Auntie Belle to check out the puppies now. Everyone has their eyes open and each of course has a personality that is starting to really come out. Their coats are developing, ears are opening and they start making noises now, looking around wondering where did the noises come from?

They are born with a keen sense of smell and are handled frequently while in the dining room whelp box. Soon, they will outgrow the whelp box and move to the puppy pen…but, I am getting ahead of myself. Enjoy week two photos of Curtie, Bandit, and Sunny.

Week three photos will be taken this evening, when hubby is home to hold them so I can take the pictures. J


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