Week 2 Update on Belle’s Litter

All our Multigen Australian Labradoodle puppies eyes are open and weight wise they have all tripled in size. They are going to have great coats and all be about the same size; with Copper and lil’ Lady looking to be a tad smaller then the others. All are showing signs of mismarks and look to be beautiful, not that I am partial or anything. J Belle is doing great and is starting to spend a bit more time out of the box but never far from the pups. They are starting to get their legs underneath them and around Wednesday we should start to see them all truly walking. Later in this next week is when we introduce a crate (without a door) and the Ugodog doggie potty training screen tray. This is something new we are trying and the theory is to have the pups trained to go in this grid system to help new puppy owners with potty training in their new home. We will update you on the tray as well as the crate training as we go. I am working with Ugodog and if it honestly works, they will give me a discount on their product (which I would pass on to you). It has been proven in Europe and great for those with apartments. I will give you more information if you email me and if I like it I will be posting a link to their site in my puppy owner pages under resources.

The puppy cam appears to be working great and we are seeing lots of streaming going on from our end. Let us know if you have any problems on your end.

This is the week we really see their personalities start to unfold as well as the pack order established. They grow and develop so from the time of the knot…amazing magic. To me this week into next is (when they start to try running) is one of the best as I can tell much about them and start to interact with them. We will be posting their “2 week old” pictures later on today.



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