Wally Spotting!

Hey, Vicky and Jeff-

Our Wally played today with his sis Mattie and Kristy snapped this shot of our “boy”. He still is my Mr. Adorable and there has been no smoking of the corner nor leather jackets as of yet.

Today, Krissy and Aaron brought Blue for a little play with Wally. They played their hearts out and shared the bully stick even when there were several within bite. :+) Blue is beautiful! What a gorgeous coat with long legs, at least longer than our Wally’s.


(Vicky’s note: there is a bit of a rebel stage around 5/6 months when a sit is not a sit and selective hearing of the hear command happens; I call this my “leather jacket/smoking on the corner” stage. Wally is from Blossom/Daisy, who is our smallest girl that we just love). Thanks for the update! He is adorable!

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