Under the heat lamp dreaming

Lucy’s litter continues to grow at over a week old. Soon we will see eyes opening and the heat lamp will be turned off today. They are well on their way all plumping up nicely and Lucy is doing a great job as mom.

When I go to check on them, they sometimes are in deep sleep and even though they can’t hear each other they let off little whelps and their legs are moving in their deep sleep. Makes me wonder at this stage, with no sight yet, what do they dream about? With their legs moving and have not yet walked, talking in their sleep when they can’t hear themselves just what do the newborn puppies dream?

I fancy that perhaps they are imprinted and are running with their pack in their sleep, perhaps it is just puppy development and muscle memory, but they don’t have memories in their little muscles. What do you think puppies who have yet to open their eyes or ears or walk dream about?

Here are the first week photos, enjoy!




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