Tucker’s mom responds to the email from Bosley

(I just love extended family through doodles)

May 1, 2009

How cute he is, LOVE the pics and in his “big boy bed” too. We had to move Tucker too into a larger crate too but we already had one. He likes it just fine but HATES cushions. Will paw and pull them to one side so he can lie on the cold hard surface. Go figure! Haven’t noticed any new teeth yet but will look next time I get a wide open mouth. J Looks like you are a stickler for keeping hair out of his eyes like I am. One class instructor even said to me, “He’s a Labradoodle? I can actually see his eyes!”


Went to the park again today – boy they had fun and they played with a couple of dogs. Tucker mostly. The big dogs pay him little mind but if they get too boisterous – back to Mama and between my feet in a hurry. My biggest thing is that he thinks every dog he sees is there to play with HIM. So he’ll run up to almost every dog he sees if given the chance. I guess you could say he is well socialized……can there be too much of a good thing? He’s whipped after a while at the park – all that excitement not to mention all the running around.

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