Tucker’s homecoming…

Hi Vicky,


PLEASE! I don’t take your (very experienced) advice as anything but you caring how Tucker adapts and makes the best of his new pack. Vicky, I am SO impressed. He has already learned “leave it” said in a correcting tone (though it could be just the tone) but then actually LEAVES IT! He was too fast for me this morning after eating tho, I was putting on my coat to take him out for a short walk when he dashed up the steps and pooped in the hall. I had to laugh, I should have known there was not enough time to put on my jacket. He had gobbled down ALL his food and rooted Toby (not a fast eater) out of his so he had a VERY full belly. I’m hugely surprised Toby would allow it though Toby is not a food driven dog like our Fritzie was. However, just let Tucker try to get his tiny chewie piece THEN we have a problem. At any rate, I just can’t believe how quickly and appropriately Tucker responds to so many things like the leash, collar, little commands, etc. Okay, okay, I’m sounding like a new mother whose child is nothing less that brilliant. LOL!!!!


I’m getting it that he isn’t big into “other” experiences right now. He seems to be very comfortable in the house and back yard, albeit quite soggy just now. He is fine in the car after a few minutes and when we walk until he hears dogs barking from their houses or behind the fence……….makes him very anxious. In fact, he’ll get in front of me, sit down and whine (to be picked up). I’m wondering if he is going through his fearful phase or just still a bit unsettled from his upheaval this past weekend. I walked him up the next street yesterday afternoon and he was loving it until a neighbor invited us in for a moment. They have a “so very laid back elderly” Golden but when Tucker saw him, he freaked out and refused to leave my lap or shoulder. Likes climbing up on my shoulder so he can survey it all but would NOT get down and engage. I didn’t force anything and he was obviously relieved when we left to get on with our walk and go back home. I am learning his body language and other little signs of what is going on in his mind. He isn’t stubborn, is so happy and joyful, you can almost see him laughing – he does have laughing eyes. As you mentioned earlier, we will have to stay on top of training or he’ll have us trained in no time. He is going to be the great dog love of our life, I can tell.


He did MUCH better last night. I was worried he’d be up all night since he only had a few bursts of energy yesterday and otherwise slept a LOT. I was talking about phoning you because I was a tad concerned he was having a problem but xxx told me not to worry you until today if he still seemed “off”. Guess he was just recovering from the previous 2 days. Anyway, he didn’t want to go into his crate, put up a fuss but for only about 5 minutes and that was the last we heard until about 6 this morning. xxx got up with both and they kept him company while he was on a couple of conference calls. When I came downstairs around 7, it was like the dinner bell going off – after a brief greeting/licking – Tucker let it be known he was READY for his breakfast and NOW! I don’t want to overfeed him but he acts like his bowl doesn’t have enough – seems to want to eat a LOT.


 Okay, I know you really do have other things to do in your life besides reading email from totally smitten new puppy owners. Sorry for the “book”! Hello to Jeff and the rest of the “family”.



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