Tucker Pics!

Hi Vicky,

 Thanks for another informative note. I’m always glad to hear about the doodles around your place. I’m going to send along some pictures of Tucker. As I mentioned in an earlier email, he has a short “do” at the moment but after I got over the shock, I think I LIKE it and it is easier to keep combed while he is in and out of the water this summer.

I sure do wish we could see pictures of Zoey. I’m sure she is just adorable like her brothers. I feel so lucky to be able to have a Libby puppy.

 Tucker is perfect for our grandkids, kids and us too. All the regulars (people and dogs) at the park love him and always enjoy his running around and playing. He has met a perfect playmate, Bowser, who is a 9 month old Miniature Schnauzer. In fact, Tucker almost has him swimming in the lake. Bowser wants to follow him so badly into the water.  

Enjoy the pictures, MJ

Tucker's new haircut

Tucker's new haircut



Tuckers new haircut
Tuckers new haircut
Tucker at 5 Months

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