To Whine or not to Whine.. (that is the question)..

Oh my gosh and bless their hearts! For those who don’t know we live in Oregon “wine country”. Seems we have a certain Jory soil that is rare and similar to soil only found in France. (Thanks to the person I was sitting to that was a soil conservationist to inform me of the wonders in my own backyard). While I was telling them the joys of doodles, I was also hearing about how can doodle together with our small, wonderful wine industry here. And, yes, thanks to some wonderful friends and connections it seems we might have our own wine and label for Liberty Labradoodles. Of course, I was also wine tasting at the time… but hum??? How fun!!

Now, to come up with the label? And then, of course the wine selection… I myself like the sweet white wines, but I wonder… As I value your input (puppy owners can have wine at cost plus shipping!)..


Anyone have a fun theme? Short of “Wanna Doodle” wine.. I am at a loss.. I wonder, what is your preference? I look forward to hearing from you!


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