Time Flies…

6 week pictures are coming on the website. This weekend seemed to get away from us with unexpected family surprises. More on this later, but it is a good surprise.

6 weeks already? Miracles of our puppies’ birth and growth and development truly humble me as I get lost in just watching the puppies personalities emerge. Do you know that it is only about 2 months from the time of mating until the time of birth? And here we are, 2 more weeks and they will be departing to their forever homes. Amazing, just simply amazing.

Puppies at the age take lots of time and there are many questions as well as arrangements being made behind the scenes. We have taken the 6 week pictures but need to post them on the website. I will let you all know when the pictures are up. It gets very hard to grab a still picture as they go, go, go. They have been out and about and have watched the doggie door in use but have yet to venture outside.

We picked up their travel crates and will begin the crate training process this week. We should be able to finalize the surgery dates by mid-week. Ryan and his girlfriend stopped by and got another puppy fix. J The puppies loved her toes. They really are teething and have sharp baby teeth. Puppy kongs, did I tell you puppy kongs? You need at least two. J

Remember, this week the internet for us might be going up and down as lines are laid in our community and disruptions may be occurring. I truly do know how addicting the puppy cam can be and the disruption might help you to “step away from the computer”. J Bear with us as this is a very busy time and one I just love! God bless you and have a great week!

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