Theme for Daisy’s last litter, Hint, St. Patricks day?

A watched doodle does not whelp. Still awaiting Daisy’s puppies to come into the world we discussed the theme for this litter last night and this morning. Everything is ready, blankets are washed, whelp area set up, whelp supplies in the go bag, vet as always on standby. This is the longest litter whelp watch for us. Still, we think things always happen when they are suppose to happen. So, we take turns sleeping on the couch awaiting the “go signs”.  We discuss themes and potential whelp names to keep us busy. Daisy has given us a wag of approval when we asked what she thinks.


With St. Patrick day approaching we are thinking something Irish, perhaps even the leprechaun  or elf litter?  Daisy is our smallest girl, so this fits for us. We like to theme or litters, as the whelp names are just temp names until they get their “real name”. The theme helps Jeff and I discuss the puppy as they grow and reminds us of the siblings, some with the same name, when we talk with our puppy owners.

from some quick research on leprechauns, I found this:

The leprechaun ‘family’ appears split into two distinct groups – leprechaun and cluricaun. Cluricauns may steal or borrow almost anything, creating mayhem in houses during the hours of darkness, raiding wine cellars and larders. They will also harness sheep, goats, dogs and even domestic fowl and ride them throughout the country at night.

Although the leprechaun has been described as Ireland’s national fairy, this name was originally only used in the north Leinster area. Variants include lurachmain, lurican,lurgadhan. Leprechauns have also become self-appointed guardians of ancient treasure.

Now, to research names of leprechauns and elves? 🙂 I did not find some good Leprechaun names so far, but hum…I found this table where you add the front part of the name (prefix) to the last part (suffix) of the name. Then there is the “house” or  what we would consider the last name.  The name then means something according to the table. Don’t know if this is from a game, but looks like it might be a fun way to name this litter. And sure, who knows if the table is a true historic naming method, but, looks like fun. If you were an elf, what would your name be? 🙂


{1} Ael: knight
{2} Aer : law, order
{3} Af : ring
{4} Ah : crafty, sly
{5} Al : sea
{6} Am : swan
{7} Ama : beauty, beautiful
{8} An : hand
{9} Ang : glitter
{10} Ansr : rune
{11} Ar : gold, golden
{12} Arì : silver
{13} Arn : south
{14} Aza : life, lives
{15} Bael : guardian
{16} Bes : oath
{17} Cael : archer, arrow
{18} Cal : faith
{19} Cas : herald
{20} Cla : rose
{21} Cor : legend, legendary
{22} Cy : onyx
{23} Dae : white
{24} Dho : falcon
{25} Dre : hound
{26} Du : crescent
{27} Eil : azure, blue
{28} Eir : sharp
{29} El : green
{30} Er : boar
{31} Ev : stag
{32} Fera : champion
{33} Fi : rain
{34} Fir : dark
{35} Fis : light
{36} Gael : pegasus
{37} Gar : owl
{38} Gil : griffin
{39} Ha : free, freedom
{40} Hu : horse
{41} Ia : day
{42} Il : mist
{43} Ja : staff
{44} Jar : dove
{45} Ka : dragon
{46} Kan : eagle
{47} Ker : spell
{48} Keth : wind
{49} Koeh : earth
{50} Kor : black
{51} Ky : ruby
{52} La : night
{53} Laf : moon
{54} Lam : east
{55} Lue : riddle
{56} Ly : wolf
{57} Mai : death, slayer
{58} Mal : war
{59} Mara : priest
{60} My : emerald
{61} Na : ancient
{62} Nai : oak
{63} Nim : deep
{64} Nu : hope, hopeful
{65} Ny : diamond
{66} Py : sapphire
{67} Raer : unicorn
{68} Re : bear
{69} Ren : west
{70} Rhy (Ry): jade
{71} Ru : dream
{72} Rua : star
{73} Rum : meadow
{74} Rid : spear
{75} Sae : wood
{76} Seh : soft
{77} Sel : high
{78} Sha : sun
{79} She : age, time
{80} Si : cat, feline
{81} Sim : north
{82} Sol : history, memory
{83} Sum : water
{84} Syl : faerie
{85} Ta : fox
{86} Tahl : blade
{87} Tha : vigil, vigilance
{88} Tho : true, truth
{89} Ther : sky
{90} Thro : lore, sage
{91} Tia : magic
{92} Tra : tree
{93} Ty (Try): crystal
{94} Uth : wizard
{95} Ver : peace
{96} Vil : finger, point
{97} Von : ice
{98} Ya : bridge, path, way
{99} Za : royal
{100} Zy : ivory


{1} -ae (-nae) : whisper
{2} -ael : great
{3} -aer / -aera : singer, song
{4} -aias / -aia : mate, husband / wife
{5} -ah / -aha : wand
{6} -aith / -aira : home
{7} -al / -ala (-la; -lae; -llae) : harmony
{8} -ali : shadow
{9} -am / -ama : strider
{10} -an / -ana (-a; -ani; -uanna) : make, maker
{11} -ar / -ara (-ra) : man / woman
{12} -ari (-ri) : spring
{13} -aro (-ro) : summer
{14} -as (-ash; -sah) : bow, fletcher
{15} -ath : by, of, with
{16} -avel : sword
{17} -brar (-abrar; -ibrar) : craft, crafter
{18} -dar (-adar; -odar) : world
{19} -deth (-eath; -eth) : eternal
{20} -dre : charm, charming
{21} -drim (-drimme; -udrim) : flight, flyer
{22} -dul : glade
{23} -ean : ride, rider
{24} -el (ele / -ela) : hawk
{25} -emar : honor
{26} -en : autumn
{27} -er (-erl; -ern) : winter
{28} -ess (-esti) : elves, elvin
{29} -evar : flute
{30} -fel (-afel; -efel) : lake
{31} -hal (-ahal; -ihal) : pale, weak
{32} -har (-ihar; -uhar) : wisdom, wise
{33} -hel (-ahel; -ihel) : sadness, tears
{34} -ian / ianna (-ia; -ii; -ion) : lord / lady
{35} -iat : fire
{36} -ik : might, mighty
{37} -il (-iel; -ila; -lie) : gift, giver
{38} -im : duty
{39} -in (-inar; -ine) : sibling, brother / sister
{40} -ir (-ira; -ire) : dusk
{41} -is (-iss; -ist) : scribe, scroll
{42} -ith (-lath; -lith; -lyth) : child, young
{43} -kash (-ashk; -okash) : fate
{44} -ki : void
{45} -lan / -lanna (-lean; -olan / -ola) : son / daughter
{46} -lam (-ilam; -ulam) : fair
{47} -lar (-lirr) : shine
{48} -las : wild
{49} -lian / -lia : master / mistress
{50} -lis (-elis; -lys) : breeze
{51} -lon (-ellon) : chief
{52} -lyn (-llinn; -lihn) : bolt, ray
{53} -mah / -ma (-mahs) : mage
{54} -mil (-imil; -umil) : bond, promise
{55} -mus : ally, companion
{56} -nal (-inal; -onal) : distant, far
{57} -nes : heart
{58} -nin (-nine; -nyn) : rite, ritual
{59} -nis (-anis) : dawn
{60} -on/onna: Keep/Keeper
{61} -or (oro): Flower
{62} -oth (-othi) : gate
{63} -que : forgotten, lost
{64} -quis : branch, limb
{65} -rah(-rae; -raee) : beast
{66} -rad(-rahd) : leaf
{67} -rail/-ria (-aral; -ral; -ryl) : hunt, hunter
{68} -ran (-re; -reen) : binding, shackles
{69} -reth (-rath) : arcane
{70} -ro (-ri; -ron) : walker, walks
{71} -ruil (-aruil; -eruil) : noble
{72} -sal (-isal; -sali) : honey, sweet
{73} -san : drink, wine
{74} -sar (-asar; -isar) : quest, seeker
{75} -sel (-asel; -isel) : mountain
{76} -sha (-she; -shor) : ocean
{77} -spar : fist
{78} -tae (-itae) : beloved, love
{79} -tas (-itas) : wall, ward
{80} -ten (-iten) : spinner
{81} -thal /-tha (-ethal / -etha) : heal, healer, healing
{82} -thar (-ethar; -ithar) : friend
{83} -ther (-ather; -thir) : armor, protection
{84} -thi (-ethil; -thil) : wing
{85} -thus /-thas (-aethus / -aethas) : harp, harper
{86} -ti (-eti;-til) : eye, sight
{87} -tril /-tria (-atri; -atril / -atria) : dance, dancer
{88} -ual (-lua) : holy
{89} -uath (-luth; -uth) : lance
{90} -us /-ua : cousin, kin
{91} -van /-vanna : forest
{92} -var /-vara (-avar / -avara) : father / mother
{93} -vain (-avain) : spirit
{94} -via (-avia) : good fortune, luck
{95} -vin (-avin) : storm
{96} -wyn : music, muscian
{97} -ya : helm
{98} -yr / -yn : bringer
{99} -yth : folk, people
{100} -zair /-zara (-azair / -ezara) : lightning

House Name Prefixes

{1-3} Alean : The noble line of
{4-6} Alea : Traders in
{7-10} Arabi : Daughters of
{11-13} Arkenea : Mages of
{14-16} Auvrea : Blood of the
{17-20} Baequi : Blessed by
{21-23} Banni : Holder’s of
{24-26} Cyred : Warriors from
{27-30} Dirth : Victors of
{31-33} Dryear : Champions of
{34-36} Dwin’ : Walkers in
{37-40} Eyllis : Lands of
{41-43} Eyther : The Forests of
{44-46} Freani : Friends to
{47-50} Gysse : Clan of
{51-53} Heasi : Those above
{54-56} Hlae : Seers of
{57-60} Hunith : The sisterhood of
{61-63} Kennyr : Sworn to
{64-66} Kille : People of
{67-70} Maern : Defenders from
{71-73} Melith : Mothers of
{74-76} Myrth : Honoured of
{77-80} Norre : Sacred to
{81-83} Orle : Guild of
{84-86} Oussea : Heirs to
{87-90} Rilynn : House of
{91-93} Teasen’ : Trackers of
{94-96} Tyr : Mistresses of
{97-00} Tyrnea : Children of

House Name Suffixes

{1-3} -altin : The branch
{4-6} -anea : The night
{7-10} -annia : The willow
{11-13} -aear : Water
{14-16} -arnith : Fire
{17-20} -atear : The way
{21-23} -athem : The dragons
{24-26} -dlues : The bow
{27-30} -elrvis : The leaves
{31-33} -eplith : The forest
{34-36} -ettln : Magic
{37-40} -ghymn : The forgotten ways
{41-43} -itryn : History
{44-46} -lylth : The blade
{47-50} -mitore : The moon
{51-53} -nddare : The winds
{54-56} -neldth : The arcane
{57-60} -rae : Powers of Light
{61-63} -raheal : The gods
{64-66} -rretyn : The heavens
{67-70} -sithek : Adamantite
{71-73} -thym : Challenges
{74-76} -tlarn : Mysteries
{77-80} -tlithar : Victory
{81-83} -tylar : The healers
{84-86} -undlin : The lover’s kiss
{87-90} -urdrenn : The light
{91-93} -valsa : Silken weaver
{94-96} -virrea : Success
{97-100} -zea : The crystal growth



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