The Nest is getting larger


Cinnie’s litter is now 5 weeks old. This last week the puppies went from their protected nest to exploring the great outdoors. We took pictures but they had so much fun they were sleeping soundly for the pink and blue blanket pictures to document the week. This is the period of their world getting larger, where they went from the safe little nest with a hoovering mother to cutting teeth and the beginning of food other then the milk bar. With teeth emerging mom begins to slowly wean the pups. The puppies are getting ready to transition to a much bigger world.

I uploaded to Cinnie’s gallery where you can see from birth to current times as I work on catching up. This litter has 3 puppies available, much of it my fault as we took time off for the wedding of our only daughter. I am getting back on track with photos and updates and answering email. Slowly as we are also working on our new to us farm and farm house.

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!

Here is the gallery of the outside romp, enjoy!

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