Clyde, Basement!

Yes, Clyde has been adopted. He is going to love his new family pack and it will be fun hearing updates as he grows.

While on the phone with one of his new pack members, Cathy, I heard a siren coming through her phone.

“Oh, it’s just a tornado siren” she said…as casually as if I might say “oh, it’s just my cell phone ringing” while I am on the house phone line with someone.

She was delightful but I must say, that was a first for me! She was still asking questions. Me? I am thinking and saying.. “Hang up! Seek Shelter! Duck and Cover! Save yourself!”. She took a wild stab in the dark, guessing correctly I was not raised in the midwest.

The next phone call a bit later had me in stitches as we discussed Jeff saving baby ducklings (another long story) as well as basements, Clyde, his new family humans and pet siblings and preparing for his homecoming. They are discussing what his forever name will be but have yet to finalize.

This morning while drinking my coffee, strong after dreaming of Toto in the wizard of oz we emailed back and forth. And as other puppy owners of mine know… with the time I had time to ponder, “ya-all” know I just had to ask.

Of course, she responded, right after some core commands Clyde will learn the command “Basement!”.

Cathy, welcome to the Liberty Labradoodle family!

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