“…that is not my thought”…

Grandmother Zella; a strong willed Texan and matriarch of the family went to Heaven early this morning. Other than being a very strong Southern Baptist Belle raised on a ranch in Texas, her most defining trait to me was a very self determined attitude. Even if everyone else told “you have to do it this way” her response would be to flutter her eyelashes and say, “Honey, that is not my thought”… and off she would go the way she thought it should be.

That sums up my Grandmother. She always did things her way. In death as well. Hospice called and said that she had hours left; and that was 6 days ago. She was strong and healthy even in her 90’s… her heart just would not give out. She outlasted all of us praying and watching over her, even her nurse aides and hospice workers. Every day, almost every couple of hours they would say, this is the longest anyone has lasted.. and then, she will not be much longer; and that went on for six days. She was spunky, sweet and demure and stubborn. I can hear her saying.. “honey, that is not my thought”…

God Bless you Grandmother, for doing life your way as you always have.

I post this here as I have to say thank you for those who have emailed me questions and have been understanding about my slow responses. I also thank Auzzie’s new family for understanding when I did not send his packet of information with him. My husband Jeff once again was wonderful in covering the bases as I was with Grandmother he took care of taking Auzzie to the airport and calling his new family.

Bubble’s new family has also been understanding, bless them. This is why I know they go where they are meant to be. Soon I will be updating the website with pictures of Gracie’s litter. Bubbles has had her desexing surgery and is at home with right now with Blossom, who leaves on Monday. They are frolicking with the big dogs, Bubbles we are keeping a close eye on so she does not over do it. Everyone is in their right home from Libby’s last litter and Libby will be having her spay surgery in the coming month.

Gracie’s family has sent me picture updates along with email updates which I have to post. All the puppies are doing well and we should have eyes opening soon. I will also try to post those this weekend, after the funeral.

I had one phone call of someone interested in a puppy wanting an immediate response with no grace to my current situation and not wanting to complete the application form or process.. My response… “honey, that is not my thought” without even thinking about it. And, I heard myself and smiled.

Thank you for understanding, and thank you grandmother for giving me a bit of your attitude.

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