Sydney Update

Hi Vicky,

How are you?  The weeks are flying by and I continue to hear from 
friends in the neighborhood “Sydney looks bigger than she did 2 days 
ago!”  I can see her growth as well, but also think that her moppy 
hairdo adds a few inches on her size 🙂  I think she will be happy to 
get her first trim in a couple of weeks, it will keep her a little 
cooler.  I’ll be sad to lose the mini sheepdog look.

She is becoming more and more reliable in the house.  She usually goes 
for her toys instead of the girls toys that have been left on the 
floor, and I think we’re over the hump on the potty training.  She is 
definitely my little buddy, following me around the house and 
searching for me if we’re not in the same room.  She also has a lot of 
fun playing with the girls.  We had our second puppy class last night 
and she is doing very well there.  She is so friendly with the other 
puppies and is all wiggles when the instructors turn their attention 
to her.

She loves to spend time in the backyard.  Her nose is often to the 
ground sniffing for bunnies and chipmunks.  We’ve had a ton of rain 
lately, so she comes in with a muddy drenched face (as seen in the 
below photo).

Hope all is well in Oregon 🙂

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