Sydney Update..

Hi Vicky,

How are you?  I wanted to update you on the vet check up yesterday.  
Everything went really well.  They took out Sydney’s stitches, gave 
her a shot, tested her stool and checked her over.  Dr. Kate said she 
is nice and healthy.  Sydney got a lot of attention from the people in 
the office.  The groomer who works there and who was recommended to me 
brought out her comb and brush and showed me how to keep up with her 
fur so that it doesn’t mat together.

We’ve had two nights of solid sleep, with Sydney waking around 6:00 
am.  We’ve also had warmer weather and I’ve enjoyed taking her outside 
to run around.  We have several oak trees in the yard that lose their 
leaves during the winter, after it snows, and she is having a blast 
running through leaf piles.  She also enjoys climbing on top of the 
few snow piles left.

Take care,

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