Start of Week Three.. exploring begins this week…

This week, we should see the puppies go from walking to a faster gait at the end of the week. Their ears are open and will start trying out their voices and need more room to exercise. Libby will be feeding them and their appetites really get going as they grow so very quickly. We supplement Libby with additional food, although this is a nice litter size. All three are very healthy and chubby and don’t lack for motherly attention. Libby is looking well.

This week we will make sure we are stocked up for supplies that will be needed in the next couple of weeks; including goats milk, venison ground, cooked and blended, puppy food, paper towels, our UGODOG litter training system, new mop head, laundry detergent, and pine sol. J We make sure we have puppy shampoo, puppy toys, teething toys ready as we move from little nesters to puppy explorers. We sterilize the puppy bowls and puppy toys with a bleach mixture followed by a boiling water rinse.

The next couple of weeks, you get more photos as they start doing more. The final weeks you get less, as they are busy moving, jumping, exploring, running. We usually are busy as well that final two weeks as we arrange their desexing, ponder flight carriers, and vet check planning.

As of this evening, they are all available. We do it differently, and have not “announced” the litter yet on the Australian Labradoodles puppy announcement sites, as we wait for their eyes to open, their first look over by our vet before we announce.

From top to bottom is Curtie, Bandit and Sunny. Enjoy!

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