Sophie leaves the nest and Izzy updates

Sophie, our last puppy from Daisy and Chief litter left the nest for her forever home in California. We boarded her for a bit as her future sister was getting married at the time of “leave the nest” date. It worked well as she and her mother, Daisy went together for their spay. I can tell you from my experience it is much easier on the girls at a younger age but Daisy had the companionship of her Daughter Sophie, to help her recovery process.


Sophie also became part of the Iz litter socialization team and loved ever minute, as did the puppies. She showed them how to attack the tunnel with gusto, how to run like you left the gate open and how to work Grandma and Grandpa for treats. xxx


She also chewed two laptop cords after somehow opening her crate at night.  I woke to find her tail wagging with her two cords showing me her “trophy”. Hard to be mad with such cuteness wagging out you. Thank goodness I have learned to turn off any cords when not in use and with puppies in the house. Meanwhile I am trying to find replacement cords and am working on our desktop for updates.

Dolly, renamed Maggie and Ella renamed Lizzy (for a nod to Izzy) were spayed on Tuesday and are back to their selves tonight. The hardest thing is to try to limit their activity at this stage where they want to run like the wind and play with the sisters. They loved playing in the kiddie pool but pool time now has to wait until after their stiches are removed.

Fergie has been renamed Gypsy and finally Blondie has been renamed Mercy. They will be leaving around the last part of July.


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