Reunited and it feels so good!

What lucky puppies! Wishbone, now renamed Wally is close by his sister Maddie and brother, Winston! How great they get to grow up together! Below are two emails we had in our in box and a picture! Thanks for the updates. I xxed out their names to keep everyone safe.


Hi Vicki and “Grandpa”,

You would not have believed our first night! Our little Wally (yes, he now has a xx name)was with xxand xx for the evening when we had to go out and we picked him up about ten to go to our home for the first time. We played a bit, we went out into the scary night with those new sounds and smells and without even exploring the extent of the house we brought his crate into our bedroom, readied for bed and finally put the pad you gave us with Daisy’s scent on it into his crate which we had left open , asked him to go in (which he obligingly did) and that was it. Not a peep!!! Not a peep for the rest of the night! In the morning I could see him sitting and looking out and decided not to test the fates, but to get up and tend the new baby. We took him out, he drank, ate and then pooped (in the house, unfortunately) so I am assured all systems are a go. We sat outside in our garden with him in my lap for enjoy morning coffee and he was alert and intrigued by all the new sounds, sights and smells. That nose seems to be on the most alert of all. You were right, Vicky. Without the allure of his “old” pack he is adapting and bonding with his new pack perfectly. We are so happy.


PS To Grandpa- I am sorry that you didn’t get to say goodbye to Wishbone, but we will be sure that you see him in the future !

PPS To Vicky: Thanks for the picture. It is a great memento .


then we get an email from Maddie’s mom on Easter:

Hi Vicky & Jeff,
We are beyond thrilled that Wishbone has moved into the neighborhood. xxx,  he will have a great life with xx and xx, they are such nice people.  As you know, I fell in love with Wishbone and Winston, so I am delighted that our Mattie will have play dates with them and I will get to watch them grow-up:) Your doodles have turned me into a crazy puppy lady:)!!!  The puppies were reunited today, at first they looked a little startled to see each-other, Mattie backed up and Wishbone let out a bark, but soon after they had a great time playing.
Hope all is well with you both.

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