Reflection or too much worry?

What a day Thursday was. It is 3 AM on Friday and I am checking up on puppies that were desexed in the wee hours of the morning here. Everyone is sleeping and all is well. We did have them kenneled but everyone disagrees with that; both those in the kennel, those out worrying about their pack and momma and grandma were downright stubborn about it.

They are all sleeping on top of each other now. I find myself looking back at the photos of the litter as I think about what is unfolding for them and their new forever homes. I wonder how they will be once they leave us. I know they are all going to the most excellent homes and I hope they bring life and joy to their new families; along with the love and happiness and whimsy that comes with the package.

Thursday I took my son to the airport as he returns to Baghdad. That was my surprise earlier I could not talk about. There are rules to keep our traveling soldiers safe. Although this is his second tour of duty in “the sandbox” taking him to the airport to return rips at my heart as a mom.

As I picked up the babies from the vets later that evening I found I did a flash back on my son tonsil surgery when he was “just a boy”. All the things you do to make try to keep babies safe, healthy, happy. And then, the unknown.

I am reflective on my life journey at this quiet time of morning. I think of myself and my family growing up and my first dog; Liebschen who was there with me as my buddy; and we were “peas and carrots”. She lived and traveled through many adventures with our family. She ran, played, swam, fished, guarded, camped, danced, pranced, protected and loved the whole household. She lived until she was 16 years old and when she died I mourned and still think about her. We grew up together and truly… I never dated anyone my dog did not like. I trusted her judgment. We had other dogs who joined the pack growing up .After I left the nest myself had other dogs but I will never forget my first.

I think of that as I prepare the babies to go to you. I hope you give them training, love, guidance, and care for the rest of their lives with you. I hope your all happy even with what is coming in the “puppy stages”; like… discovering the toilet paper roll “toy” they are sure is for them…and how fun it is to drag it out through the hallway and into the dining room and have people chase you. Or the laptop cord that might be a new teething ring. They will bring you so much joy and during other stages of adolescence where you may wonder what was I thinking? I hope you “enjoy” the ride.

I think of my daughter and son and hope as they are out there without me (how dare they fly the coop!).. I think of all the love and joy they gave to me; still give to me. I think of how lucky I am to have Jeff. I think of a saying..”What you get out of life is what you put into it”. It is true with dogs, with people, with family. I am so thankful for the ride and have enjoyed it although I am told, I worry too much.

For all my loves (my family, my puppies) I gave them all love and caring and pieces of me to take away. I pray God watches over them and their life is full of wonder, love, joy and they help others that they can along the way. I hope I taught them to enjoy the ride.

I think in this wee morning following the flight of my son and my babies desexing I am again worrying too much. But, I have to get up and check. It’s a mom thing. I am much too reflective and need to go back to bed. God bless you all.

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