Naps and reminder to be doodle-ful :)

I had an email from Bosley/Annie owner Bonnie. She was visiting with other dogs at the dog park and discussed the importance of early handling. I try to stress it as we do it from birth, but it never hurts to also hear it agian! Thanks Bonnie. I have the link for our doodle owners, but this is a good “re-visit” and reminder why it is important. She followed with another funny congo-nap line of doodles with their buddy Eddie. Eddie’s health had declined, but seems the two doodles have added some juice to his step…. Thanks Bonnie!

Hey Vicky…I was talking with another dog owner this morning at the dog park. xx said that xxx doesn’t like to have her ears touched and that when she was groomed the groomer couldn’t do her ears because she fussed.  It got me thinking about your website instructions to the new puppy owners and wondered if somewhere you mentioned the importance of feeling the puppy all over their bodies.  I  know everyday from the time Boz and Annie came home I felt between their toes, handled their toe nails, looked into their ears, gently stuck my finger in their ears, opened their mouth and stuck my finger in their mouths, gently tugged at their tails and ears, as well as putting my hands on every part of their body.  We did this every day and it was like a bonding exercise.  In my mind it’s better to do all this when they are just weeks old and not have to deal with touch issues when they are older and go to the groomers or the vets.  It’s something I haven’t thought about in a long time, but when xxx mentioned xxx sensitivity it brought about the thought process.

I thought you’d get a laugh out of this picture that Bruce took yesterday.  There is no way we could ever stage something like this, but for some reason the dogs decided to take their afternoon nap all line up according to size…I think it is hilarious!  Note too that Bosley is squeezing his big self into Eddie’s dog crate.  He’s begun to do that lately…I would think it would be uncomfortable, but perhaps he’s trying to prove that he’s really a very small dog under all that fur.

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