Preparing to be doodled…

Shilo has left the nest and the email described how she and her new sister, Sienna (a white Westy) are getting in long and how much her new owner loves her already. I was so busy talking with her, that I forgot to take pictures of Shilo’s new family as they “leave the nest”.

This weekend Rowdy (new name Bodhi) will be leaving. As I work with all the new owners getting registration and paperwork complete, figuring out pickup times and contact phone numbers for the microchip we get a bit of pause in the weather and the baby doodles get to have some outdoor recovery time. Not to much but they do love the dry leaves and exploring.

They are almost “done” and ready to be added to their forever pack and beginning a lifetime as a beloved family member.

Duke, new name Winston family is preparing and picking up next weekend.

Wishbone is still waiting for his family to find him. I’m thinking he needs a boy of his own.

Mattie is also  getting picked up  the following weekend and this picture was just so very cute. The email caption said “we are ready for our puppy”.   Cute! Mattie’s family and the others are all preparing to be doodled.

Prepare yourself for an adventure!

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