Our updates…

Sorry to be slow in updates as there has been much going on this last couple of weeks. As you might have guessed our son is home from Iraq and we went to welcome him home. For our Christmas present he purchased tickets for Jeff and I and daughter to come to the happy event. Copper’s family watched Chief and the girls went to stay with Randy.

This all was happening as our puppies from Libby and Chief’s surprise litter were leaving the nest. We tried to keep the calendar free so we could see son home but Libby and Chief had a doodle on their minds…I must say, I am very impressed with their litter and am so happy with the puppies new homes and owners.

So, as we were busy with taking care of the puppies, work, and preparing for the trip. Five days before we leave, our mother had a heart attack and she ended up having surgery. The surgery is amazing, a story in itself and how far we have come medically. The new puppy owners still had puppies to pick up, work had me gone without it being planned, and my mother was telling the doctors at the hospital how she had to take a watercolor class that weekend where I of course promised we would if she would just be calm. She came out of the surgery “textbook” and although still recovering continues to amaze me with her spunk, humor, love and spirit.

We were able to leave after I was sure that mom was going to be okay, that brother was covered and the puppies and dogs were situated. I was still reeling from the fact I could have lost my mother; my best friend for a long time while I was busy with puppies and travel prep for welcoming son home. I was not as prepared as I would have liked for the trip and just happy to stare into our son’s eyes and know he is okay. Daughter and her boyfriend along with Jeff and I visited some tourist attractions while son was at work and we were yet again in a whirlwind of catching up and discussions of family and life. I was able to catch a few hours of sun and reading at the beach, putting my feet in the sand and snorkeling with fish in the shallow areas of Hanama Bay (glasses and masks don’t mix). I was just happy to have everyone alive and well. I got to visit with a very special boy, Avery, who is just a doll! And yes, so is his mom. J I also got more insights on daughter’s boyfriend and saw some love in action and level headedness in action along with some very insightful comments. Ah, life…

When we got home after going to work for one day I was surprised to find I had stomach flu and tried to get into work but my body was not cooperating. I am glad I was not sick while gone but also have work piling up but as any good mom does, now I worry about the fact I might have gotten the kids sick with this Oregon flu bug going around. I pondered the last couple of weeks rollercoaster ride while in bed resting. I pondered my own health, my family, my “puppies” leaving the nest and making their own nests. I thought of my mother when I left the nest and realized how lucky we are to have family, puppies, life, work, and love. Without some of life’s trials we don’t realize how lucky we are.

On another note, I will be working on changing over our internet as we are changing internet providers at the end of this month. Our email address is changing and I will be posting what the final email address change will be when I know what it is. J

Xxx hug the one your with, and call the loved ones your not with today xxX

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