Our Litter weekly update…

The 4 week olds are now becoming more vocal and turning into fun puppies. They are climbing in and out of the whelp box with tails wagging as they explore the world around them. Their ears are open for noises, their noses are always sniffing the air to process what they hear, see, and smell… all that is new in the world to them. They are mouthing each other and things to figure out what things are as their taste is added to their sense. Water is fun to walk in and try to lap up. Mom comes and they go from exploring happy puppies to noisy puppies and thinking they are starving when she arrives. They have transitioned from mom laying down to nurse, to her standing and they eat standing up a sign it is time to introduce their first meal which happens tonight.

There are cutting teeth now and this starts their next two weeks into eating solid foods. Something they will be doing the rest of their lives. The UgoDog litter training has been introduced and they are already starting to get the hand of it. They step outside of their whelp pen more often then not to do their business.

Mother Libby is now allowing Auntie Belle to come into to the whelp box and smell, clean and play with the puppies as she loosens her restrictions on baby access. She trusts Belle but up to know she has been on momma protection mode, another sure sign they are getting ready to not only meet other pack members, but the voyage has begun for their standing on their own. Chief stands at the whelp door watching, smelling and wagging his tail…awaiting his invite in to visit and play with his new pack buddies. Libby just looks at him; he will know when she says enter. He looks expectantly every time; reminding me of someone saying, now? Okay how about now? Now?… I think it will be soon, but it is Libby’s call as she is the Queen Mother.

Chew toys will be introduced for them to play with and their pack has a firm pack order already established. When not sleeping they are playing and climbing on each other and attempting a gaited run; this next week the run historically happens, with legs going to fast for their bodies. They are handled daily, slightly stressed, and are ready for another nail clipping this evening and a brushing will be introduced so they get ready for grooming and handling. Ah, raising of puppies, it is a tough job but we are up to it. J Puppy breath, talking and petting takes priority over weeding the garden to raise a proper puppy.

Near the end of this next week they will get to experience their first bath and have their picture taken for their pedigree. They have been registered with IALA now and we will schedule their first round of shots. All the weeks hold something magical to us but this week really marks their move into future puppy/dog status as they take yet another paw forward into the world.

For those who are getting Blossom and Sparkie, now is the time to be reading and thinking of bedding location and getting ready for a puppy to come to you. Read my book and supply suggestions (which continues to grow thanks to previous puppy owners) and welcome to the family. I look forward to see who will be getting Trustie and Bubbles as it all unfolds.

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