Our first Ginger update

Ginger is doing VERY well, I think she is missing her brothers. She has already learned “down” and we are working on a consistant “sit”. I am feeling very refreshed this morning since she slept 10-6:20 (my alarm actually went off). Still working on the cats adjusting to her, she chased the big boy yesterday, it was quite funny. The kids love her and can’t wait to show her off to all of their friends.

*Ginger left on the day before Mother’s day. This was an excellent match for both Ginger and the family. I gave her a bath after her KING KONG needle for microchip… and then they played together. I knew it was their last time they would frolick together and so they ran like the spirits they are; living in the moment. It is a bit “bitter sweet” but I know they will all be loved forever. And now, I sit and warn them of the famous TP run through the house, the train them up as you want them to be… and I am happy. My puppies are with such great families and they each have something to teach each other. “life is so short, don’t stress, doodle”. 🙂 I think we need to come up with a bumper sticker…

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