Oh Goodie; a Tucker update!

(email from Tuckers family; a Chief/Libby baby)

Hi Vicky,

 Thanks for the pic (very nice) and news. Tucker is doing so very well. All the grandkids have fallen in love with him and he has had almost constant playmates all summer. In fact, we have to block the stairs so he won’t go back upstairs and wake the sleeping kids. He just can’t wait till they get up in the morning. He is very social and we go to the park almost every day so he can play with other dogs and swim. He LOVES the swimming and fetching and is very good with both. In fact, if we go to the park without taking him to the water’s edge, he’ll just take himself, swim a bit then come back to us. Stinker! He is doing so well in his classes too. We took a bit of time off because of travel and house guests but he is back in class as of last week, his 3rd. This one is a different dog school so he had to be “evaluated”. The instructor was impressed he could behave so well and perform. Not that he doesn’t goof off when he wants but mostly quite dependable and loves to do the training bit. He is excited and motivated.  Anyway, we still have grandkids till the end of the week so I won’t stay on the ‘net long. Will sent updated pics when I can come up for breath next week. Right now he is 26.5 lbs and vet still says he’ll be 30 or 35. We’ll see but really feel “whatever”. He is also sporting a “crew” cut for the summer. Still cute though. We are so in love with him. He is such a love.


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