Oh Goodie! A Roxie Update!

Hi Vicky,

My how times flies when you have a new baby in the house.

We have been having so much fun with Roxy! She is a perfect little doodle! We are constantly amazed at how easily she learns new things. She is 99% potty trained, and rings the pouchie bells when she needs to go out or come back in (I put them on the outside too).

She retrieves, drops, sits, and lays down on command. She is a pro at walking on the leash. I am astounded when she self corrects, and slows down to be right between Matt and I when we’re out on walks!! It took our Viszla 2 years before he walked on a leash as well.

We take her on 2 hour hikes, to school, to soccer games, everywhere. She mixes well with other dogs and is absolutely confident and at ease in almost every situation. I think I would really like to go through the training to have her be a therapy dog. Maybe you can point me in the right direction.

She is SO darn CUTE, cars literally pull over to find out what breed she is. When I walk through downtown, my girlfriends joke about how many people stop to touch and chat about her. On one recent walk down NW 23rd street, we were trying to keep track (for fun) but gave up after 30 or so comments.

The kids LOVE her, and XXX my youngest has really enjoyed training her. He spends time everyday having her run through different drills of retrieving, dropping, laying down, etc. Tomorrow she will get her first haircut. YIKES! The hair on her head still looks perfect but her body is one big POOF. She has the coloring of a golden retriever…. but her roots are darker red so who knows what we’ll end up with.

She was at the vet getting her shots on 11/19 (14 weeks) and weighed 11 lbs. At that point she was exactly the same size as our cat… whom she loves! And I think our cat loves her too – because now he chooses to sleep in her crate at night! I don’t always let him stay because the cat is an early riser, but it is awfully cute to find him snuggled in there. Here are some pictures. You’re welcome to add them to your website.

Thank you again for such a WONDERFUL puppy. I tell everyone I meet that we found the BEST BREEDER EVER.


Hope all is well! Sounds like more puppies could be coming soon?!

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