Oh goodie! A Maddie update!

Yes, I have updates! Maddie is being a very smart wonder puppy; sleeping through the night as well. They never told us the name of the puppy they had already picked out prior to the whelp and it was such a great surprise that Mattie was to become a Maddie! Love how things just *happen* with the doodles; like sunny sky appearing on puppy pick up day.

Other good news that might be coming is Maddie family has a friend who may want to adopt Wishbone. 🙂 Wishbone and I would keep updating the blog, but sun is out and he is going to help me lay out the future doodle acres gardens.

Love getting updates! Keep them coming! I have emails from Shilo, who is doing just great and starting puppy classes soon and has begun the “let’s meet 100 people” count. Bodhi was showing the benefits of his coat to dust the floors 🙂 while playing with a rope toy.

Wishbone needs to go out now..got to go!

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