Oh Goodie! A Leo update!

“Thanks for the wonderful note; so great to hear on all fronts. Leo has been a wonderful addition to the family, cannot imagine our family without him.

He will catch an eye out of the window here and there; it’s amazing as he’s gotten older how protective he has become of the house and family members. A group of dads (12 – 15 of us) in town take over the park on Saturday and Sunday morning (on any given weekend, 8+ of us there)and we let the dogs play together. When Leo was younger he would just focus on running and playing with his friends. He will still do that, but to a much less extent, he’s happier attending to us, chasing a ball and returning to us.

His intelligence is amazing, and his ability to understand and heed directions and commands is uncanny as is his sense of our thoughts, mood etc. ”


handsome boy!

Thanks for the pictures and update on Leo. Leo is from Grace/Chief litter in 2008, his “birth name” was Dino.  Love updates, just love updates!


I just love updates. 

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