Oh Goodie! A Latte-gram (AKA, Latte Update)…

Hi Vicky,

I have been meaning to write for some time to thank you… as we were moving and things got very crazy for us and I really got behind on things.  Susan and I bought a house here in xxxx.  Here is our new address:




All of our other numbers stayed the same.  I’m not sure Latte was very pleased with the move at first because of all of the changes:

                More grass in the old yard

                Jim had to move his office downtown (she lost her favorite hang-out)

                Lots of strange new smells and sounds (we learned to bark more)

I’m trying to compensate with lots of trips to her favorite park.


I know I keep saying this but here goes again – she is the sweetest creature I have ever seen.  She is smart, intuitive, loving and a good sport.  She plays with all dogs large and small and brings joy to us every hour we are with her.


I hope things are going well with you and your family.


Thanks again.


Jim and Susan

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