Oh Goodie! A Fionna Update..

I am behind on my puppy updates, thank you all for your emails. J From this litter here is an excerpt from an email from Roxy’s (Fionna) momJ…(copy/paste)




Everywhere she goes, people are oohing and awing!


She’s doing really well, but we still have some hurtles. She is still having accidents in the house. I think I was taking her out every hour in the beginning, and slacked off.

My fault completely.  Also, I think we’re just figuring out her schedule. Took us a while to figure out that after she tinkles first thing in the morning, she needs to go out again to poop about 15 minutes later.  Also we are surprised that she poops SO often.   We just started to take her food away between feedings, so maybe this will help. She does use the bell.  Learned that in 1 day.  She retrieves. Drops. Sits and is learning  DOWN. The bell is great but she rings it anytime she wants to go out. She LOVES outside…. so the bell gets rung often. When I leave her alone, I put her in her “area” and not in a crate. So far, no accidents and she’s happy.  But I’ve noticed she’s less happy in her little crate. Maybe a bad move on my part ??  I’m about to move her to our big crate, but it’s awfully big. Biggest hurtle, is once anyone gets up in the morning (even to use the bathroom) she’s ready to wake up.  Also she has a late night burst of energy. So similar to having a baby! She’s getting tons of attention and has many neighborhood dog friends. She’s adjusted to her new food…and everyone loves her SO much!

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