Oh Goodie! A Bentley update!

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As I type, Bentley is chasing the birds in the back yard.  He starts his day watching them at the back door and waits patiently for me to let him out. After his chasing we usually go to the park and have an hour walk, which you would think would tire him out, but not Bentley.  He has plenty of energy and so later in the day, he plays with the older dog or we throw and retrieve.  He is a precious funny loving and energetic little guy who loves to be held.  My husband and I have had many dogs in our lifetime and had two goldens before Bentley’s arrival, so we have been shocked by what a difference it is to have a labradoodle.  We can’t get enough of him and he feels the same way. He loves to end his day sitting next to one of us and relaxing.  He is very well socialized with other dogs including ours although he still terrorizes our cat who isn’t interested most of the time.  He is a perfect house pet and we are just totally in love with this guy…I am stopped everyday on our walk to ask what breed he is and where we got him.  He is a very cute and good looking boy who is very proud of himself.   We are very happy that we found you and that we were lucky enough to find Bentley and make him a part of our family.  Our girls can’t wait for the holidays to see him.  

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