Moxie leaves the nest

The mother of the Hamilton litter, Moxie (Liberty’s Gypsy of My Heart is her registered name) has weaned the pups this last week. She left last night with her family and friends of family coming to pick her up and visit with the pups. 

Jeff was his very awesome self-taking care of the puppies so I could visit the new grandson (no small thing to take care of so many puppies). Moxie is a city girl and has really enjoyed her time at Grandma and Grandpas running the hill and being able to wander more now that she has weaned. She has slept in the house with Jeff and helped socialize the other pups (sneering at them if they tried to sneak a drink at the milk bar). 

This last week was very busy and then to follow up with more puppy visits Saturday and Sunday.

Thank goodness for our twin doodle helpers! They took some photos and videos as we visited and rotated the litters through bath time, yard and play time while also cleaning each litters room. 

Needless to say, Jeff was worn out as was Moxie from the visits and work involved with the puppies. As I was getting a snack ready for Moxie’s family coming later in the day, I looked up to find Jeff asleep on the couch with Moxie also sleeping. 🙂 


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