Life with Bosley…

Can you believe that we’re on week 3 of “Life With Bosley”. As you can see by the pictures he’s growing. What a joy he is! We both speak of him and his abilities as if he were our human child. You know how it goes…”isn’t he smart”…”look at how clever he is” and we get especially puffed up with pride when a stranger compliments us on how well he walks, sits or how pretty (handsome) he is. Boz really is one special pup. He’s learned sit, come, down (lay down), out, and pen. He’s also great about being groomed. And Jeff, I trimmed his cowlick as you can see from the picture.

We’re walking twice a day and Bosley is quite the attraction. People just have to pet him…he’s so soft. We’re working on meeting 100 people before he’s 6 months old…we’re up to 63. Last week a couple rushed out their front door as we walked by and called “What kind of dog is that?” He has a cute factor that people cannot resist.

I was a bit concerned about taking on a puppy at our age, but really it is, and will continue to be I’m sure, such a positive experience. Bosley has such a zest for life that it is contagious. To see him running with abandon brings a smile to our faces. It’s hard to have a bad day when I’m greeted every morning with those warm, wiggly puppy kisses. It is also very satisfying to see the positive results of our training…he is such a biddable dog. He is still a puppy though and he does have his moments and that is where the x-pen comes in. Whether it’s nap time or time out the x-pen is the answer. I had never used an x-pen before and frankly I can’t imagine life without it. That is the one thing I would recommend for all your puppy people.

So here we are, Bosley will be 11 weeks tomorrow. We will continue doing what we’re doing because it’s repetition and rewards that get the desired adult behaviors embedded into our little puppy’s brain. And Bosley will continue doing what he’s doing, bringing joy and happiness to his humans.

Hope you had a wonderful trip and your reunion was exactly the way you wanted it.



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