Leo’s First Haircut

Hi Vicky,

The new pups are so cute – getting so big.I didn’t realize you’d be steelers fans out there….anyway,..

(Vicky’s note: Jeff has been a part of the Steeler nation fan base since he could ride a bike. He is one of those fan-atics. J I married into the Steeler nation “do you promise to love, honor, cherish and support the Steelers in good times and bad…).


I thought you might enjoy this update.  Leo was getting very shaggy, so I brought him for “just a little off, he can’t see, and I like him shaggy, it’s just his coat is getting SOOO long it’s hard to brush”, which is NOT what I ended up with – I was soooo sad when I picked him up -he looked like a pampered fru-fru poodlie thing, my daughter saw him through the window and said “Mom, who’s dog is that?” (although the pictures are cute anyway).  They cut his face off, and didn’t trim his body at all, but cut his feet (so he had pointy tapered feet, eeeck). So I brought him back today to be trimmed a little, since his face has to grow back in anyway, I might as well get his first trim over with.  I showed them pictures of how he looked when he got there, and said “See, this is how I like him, just a little tiny bit shorter……”


Here are some pictures, before, take 1, and take 2. 


Both times the groomer couldn’t get over how good he is, and how “mature” for a just about 6 month old pup.  She kept saying what a great puppy we got.  I told her I know…Otherwise he’s doing great, he happens to LOVE the FREEZING weather, the opposite of me, unfortunately –


Happy doodling,



(My reply: for his first haircut, which is always the hardest, you did very well. Don’t worry, this is the age you want to cut it short as he will be losing his puppy coat and you have to do lots of brushing. His sister, Henna, we already cut short. Echo, his other sister is long and uncut. By the way, Echo arrived in the Netherlands~I will post that next. Thanks for the updates, I love sharing them with the others!). xx


Night before his first cut

Leo before haircut 1


Leo side view of haircut 1: long body hair, combed out and pointed feet “ewww”


Leo haircut number 2 side shot

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