“Latte-gram” from Early December

Hello Vicky;

Here is an update on Latte: We graduated from Perfect Puppy Academy with flying colors and got a diploma. The graduation procession to  “Pomp and Circumstance” was a hoot. We continue to use a puppy trainer every couple of weeks but it is mostly to train Jim and Susan. We had her washed and slightly trimmed at a poofy dog spa and even though I gave them the instructions, they made her face look like a Poodle!  Susan and I were heart-broken because she was so much cuter before but couldn’t let on because she is so intuitive. She is currently teething and doing well with it.  She is very verbal and we all talk to each other a lot.  If the door to the back yard is closed, she will come get me if she needs to go out.xxxxWe both love this dog dearly and will always appreciate what a thorough and professional breeder you are. Best regards,
Jim & Susan

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