Kona Update

Kona is a doll! Max and Mark fight over her attention! She rides well and loves Dutch Brothers and taking Max to school. She has a loving and a person focused personality and fits our family perfectly. Mark never thought he would be so in love with a dog; let alone a Labradoodle and he is smitten! He takes her everywhere. Max also tells me that Kona is a “chick magnet”. Boys!! She is 17 pounds now and has the most wonderful soft coat that does not shed! I love the feel of it and friends and family always comment on it. She has such a Diva personality sprinkled with a bit of attitude, and mixed with an eager to please and be with you personality.

She did great on our recent road trip to see family; road perfectly. She played in the snow with cousins, visited our Grandmother with good manners, and met Aunt, Uncle and cats with equal ease (well, there was some of wanting to play with the cats…). We have some great pictures we will be sending you of her “snow days”. She made all kinds of friends with other canines and I don’t think there is a person we visited with that did not fall in love; we have been telling everyone about your site and have been handing our you business cards.

We compromised with sleeping arrangements and she sleeps with Max in his room in her crate. I am sure that Max is sneaking her into bed with him at night but I am practicing the blind eye where the love between a boy and his dog is concerned. She has her own drawer in the kitchen, her own area for all (and I do mean tons!) of toys. Thanks for the book recommendation. The dog classes start at the beginning of the new year. The trainer of the class has already met with Kona and is impressed with how smart she is! We are looking forward to it all. Thank you for the most wonderful new family member we have ever had Jeff and Vicky! We love her more than we could have ever anticipated. Happy Holidays!

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