June Litter Names Announced

Well, after much observation and deliberation we have decided on names for this litter for litter registration purposes. I don’t like to call them girl 1, girl 2; it seems so detached. I wanted to stick with the Liberty theme, although I was tempted to name them after wines; like Chablis or Pinot…Jeff was saying how about candy bars; like snickers, milky way…

We study their movements and ponder their already emerging personalities. And we wait for “inspiration”. Call me goofy, but I don’t take naming them lightly as it has to be right for the next 8 weeks or so; until their forever homes name them for registration purposes. Most of the names were easy, however I was stuck on the first girl until Connie (who owns other puppies of ours) wrote in an email how she loves to watch them blossom; and Yreka! That is perfect; she is a little blossom!

The first boy, who is the “mover” of the bunch we have named Liberty’s Spark; call name Sparkie.

The second boy born we have named Liberty’s Trust; call name Trustie.

The third puppy born and the first girl we have named Liberty’s Blossom.

The fourth puppy born and the lightest girl we have named Liberty’s Champagne Bubbles.

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