Hum, what does a Flock of Seagulls have to do with puppy doughnuts?

2:30 in the morning, and that is what it sounds like, when you have puppies you go through some crate training with, add to that the “desexing” surgery and it reminds me of the sound of a small flock of seagulls.

They are doing as well as you can imagine, and after getting up to let them go potty and drink some water and stretch a little they find solace in each other. I don’t know if it is the discomfort or the fact they are still learning to crate by themselves (they were doing sleep overs in crates with their litter mates). What I do know is they still love the puppy pile and human contact and interaction. The boys are doing pretty well, Mattie is slow to move and wants lap time and I wrap her up in a flannel blanket. They move around a bit and try to grab some milk at the milk bar (Daisy has closed shop, but  comes to checkup on her litter).  Most want to sleep and cuddle, but then it is time to crate back up as the vet does not want them to pull anything right now. I put them back in their crate with the crates all facing each other and I again find myself at the coast with my little flock of seagulls. I turn on the radio for some gentle music and off the lights and work on the laptop uploading the pictures from two nights ago of their romp in the living room while we put together crates. It is a good way to occupy my mind with something as they settle down. Now, it is 4 AM and I think about how they would have had some of their most favorite “outdoor adventure” time but we had snow that night. And the bedroom is silent. They are sleeping. In a few hours will be food, stretch, meds and laptime. I find that the day after surgery is the worst, but getting through I bet we will find the boys feeling right back to their old self. Mattie will be a few days more.

Shilo goes in for her vet visit today and will be the first to leave the nest. Daisy will also be leaving for her home with our daughter and future son in law as the puppies are weaned and it is easier on her to not watch each puppy leave and wonder where they are. She was beside herself with the puppies going to the vet for their surgery. Sweet loving mother, you did really great and I am very proud of you. Of course, she is sleeping next to Jeff right now so she will have to just read it on the internet when she checks the blog for typos. 🙂

I will be uploading small video snippets later, along with puppy doughnuts. What is that you say? The puppies instead of the cone of silence, have little blow up collars and it reminds me of a doughnut. See, now you know how my mind works at the wee hours of the morning.

I just want to play in the snow...



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