Hello day three!

Here we are, day three and we are happy to report that all is well with the litter and I have finally got to sleep in a bed again! Belle is an excellent mother and all the puppies are growing chubby at the milk bar. For the next week it will be about sleeping and eatting and growing as they prepare for the next milestone, the eyes will begin to open.  From there, things start slowly speeding up, as the ears open and the legs start trying to stand.

I will be adding some more pictures of the litter all together. I like to get through the two full days just to be sure that all is well.

After the eyes open (about one week from now) and they focus we can start to allocate to those that have been on the list, although as I check in with this litter’s reservation list so far I think we are pretty in line with what I would think would be where they will go. I still do wait to see what is reflected in their eyes for what type of soul is in there.

I am not sure, but I think we have 2 puppies available, both girls. I am thinking that Kenneth will love Jewel, as I know what he is looking for in his girl; that Clyde is meant for kids like my Chief and a family like the Wilson’s, and that Romeo, at mid pack will be a possible therapy dog. Rosie and Bonnie and Juliette I am pondering. But this could all change and of course, is up to the family to see who they feel will be their puppy.

And so, here we are…day three and the new puppies are settling into a routine; along with the rest of us.

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