Hello 7 Weeks!

Finally! Here is the 7 week old photos of the puppies. they are exploring, and we move into socializing with people and exploring the great big world! This week we move to crate training, preparing to leave the nest, and microchip implants (yuck!).

From this week to their 12 week mark, it is all about the wide world and learning about people, things, other animals (including cats), and mom/grandma/dad telling them the rules of the road. It is a busy time; hard to get pictures and really, time is more important that they get good exposure in the real world then the internet. We are a small loving our doodles kinda place; and their development our first priority. So far, we have never been wrong. 🙂

McKenzie, renamed Zia, has been adopted:

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Willy is on hold; but I have another person right behind him:

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Wilson has been adopted:

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Tilly has been adopted:

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Sandy is available at this time:

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Tucker is available at this time:

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