Hello 5 Weeks! Things are getting busy…

This week the pups had lots of new experiences. They went from the whelp box to the puppy play pen and we introduced both the crate and the potty training system we use. The puppy play pen has a doggie door designed for the itty bitty pups and it is all fun and games with the fort/crate, the going in and out of the puppy door. They don’t realize that it is all part of the plan of developing a well rounded doodle.

This week, we had visitors! Many in fact. All great for pup development as well as their first outdoor experience. Grass, what is grass? They went from mush to meat and this coming week the puppy canines will be introduced to soft kibble, yet another part of their phasing into full blown puppy status.

By the middle of this week, I expect that we will see Daisy stay out more and the puppies get more focused on each other as they grow less dependent on her and her care. It’s a brave new world! Puppies will play hard and learn from each other the pressure of bites, rolling over and handling. This week, we should see a very loose pack order start to emerge which will completely develop at around the end of four months.

Ideally, next week we move more into meeting humans as it is pivotal to the puppies development and becoming very human focused. The puppies will get harder to take photos of as they are on the move. 🙂 Their eyes and ears will become sharp, the muzzles will elongate and we will see more “facial” expressions. Life is full, and there is no fear as they prance into their explore mode with reckless abandon. During this time, puppies require all the attention they can get and reactions to handling help us gauge development and what they each need. They are as individual as people, each special in their own way.

So here we are. We do all kinds of slight stressors and challenges beginning this week. Lots of new exposures, experiences, and some wonderful things we have developed over time with after stressing, balance. Enjoy the 5th week my puppy owners, this is the next step in your puppy growth.





xxx Jeff and Vicky


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