Happy two weeks and other updates

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Happy two weeks Izzy Litter! We heard from Carolien in the Netherlands who was Izzy’s breeder. The same day that Izzy had her litter, Izzy’s mom, Gidget also whelped and had three puppies. 🙂 I had a small break for photos as I had to get a battery that would hold a charge for the camera. I just uploaded tons of pictures to the gallery of this litter. The boys are plumping out and getting ready for the grand eye opening and then ears opening stage. Love that stage when the world begins to open for them. At the end of this week we will start seeing them explore a bit more and wobbly walking.

On another note, We were holding Wishbone for a family but it did not work out, so Wishbone is still available! Contact us for details and I will add more recent photos of him to the page. Honestly, every family that picked up a puppy from the litter was “Wishbone or xx” he was everyone’s second pick. Funny how it all works out and they always go to where they were meant to be. Wonder who he is waiting for? Amazing stories happen, I am just waiting. He is the smartest, adorable puppy with such great eye contact and would be an excellent therapy dog with the right up front training.



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