Goodbye 5 weeks, hello 6..

Week 6 starts out with a bath! The puppies all had a bath and their nails clipped. We have been struggling with our puppy cam as we are allowed only so many people on and there has been a big increase on the “hits” on the puppy page. All the puppies are “spoken for” and I think are going to the perfect homes. I have sent the families a separate link that is reserved only for them (and me) to be able to watch the puppies through the cam.

This week will unfold to be very busy on our end! We go to solid food, wean off Belle, visit Vet and just romp and explore and learn this week. This is THE week in the puppy world for finalizing their pack order, learning the rules of the road by mom and grandma correction, their first shots and vet visit will happen, along with a few getting micro-chips (the ones being de-sexed I prefer to do it while they are under). We finalize payments, shipment, de-sexing this week and puppies venture into the world.. as in the yard that is fully enclosed and no other animal other than ours has ventured in. Wha-hooo! It is fun to watch their noses go “wild” as they experience the new smells and sights and sounds. They will start watching the doggie door with a tilt in their head.. you can almost read them as they think.. where did they go? And .. how can I do that? I so love the whole development period but; sigh; this is my favorite week as they move to being a full on baby dog, personalities really unfold and “Kleenex” we prepare them to leave the nest. At the end of this week they will have spent time by themselves in their own “crate” so they can prepare for coming to you and being away from the pack. We expose them to noises they might hear on planes (a truck ride with mom is included) just so they will not be stressed. They start out hating the separation and crate but in the end they get comfortable and we reward them for being good puppies with romps and love. They also are listening to Norah Jones music, the TV and exposed to almost all the typical house sounds. The Vacuum is not one of them, as we have solid floors. They do get exposed to a hair dryer during the grooming/bathing process. Thanks to Jeff, my hunter, they also get some slightly cooked venison added to their meal to help them with the teething process and num num “fresh meat”.

Ugodog; my gosh!! My new best friend. More coming later but the puppies with no work from me are all going there the majority of the time. This is amazing! If your interested contact me and if there is enough interest.

By now, hopefully my dear “Liberty Labradoodle” family you should have all completed your puppy application, are thinking of names and are reading up to prepare for the most awesome puppies..not that I am partial or anything. J You have sent me your family scent blankets and picked out names for registration. You are shopping for the basics but not going crazy!!! A good crate, pupy shampoo, grooming tools, old blankets and towels and most important “training materials”. Hopefully you’re also getting a puppy ID tag and preparing for the leash, collar, and packing the “picking up puppy” materials that I list on my resource site. Teething Toys, bowls, your vet visit should also be on your to do list. Time is getting closer my dears.

I have worked on updating the web pages, did some work on the resource pages just for my puppy owners, and *sigh* played with the puppies. It is a tough job, but someone has to do it. Our second grade neighbor came over to play with puppies and let them experience a Minnie human. J I consider her one of the “socialization team” along with our puppies and cat, Elsa.

They are getting ready (after the very long nap from the bath) to have a puppy romp where we will record and upload. This upload is a much better “color” presentation and you get to hear them being vocal and interacting.

Enjoy my family and prepare, the time is coming for your new family member to join you. I wish you as much success, love and magical moments as my Labradoodles bring me. You’re the perfect family! And, remember, you all promised you would stay in contact and send me pictures!!! We are here for the duration. J


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