Getting Ready for Puppy

For this litter we have someone who had previously purchased a puppy from us (puppy is Teddy) who is getting Jake. Lil’Lady (Chloe) new mom was inquiring about suggestions for “set up for the puppy”.

Since this is an actual person who has “been there done that” with our puppies, I thought you would enjoy a first hand account of her views and preparing for puppy which she was kind enough to share with Chloe’s mom… She had ccied me the email; and has given permission to share with others. THANK YOU! (copy and paste of email section follows):

Ted’s arrival was such a success that I’m preparing for Jake in the same way. 
I put a thick piece of thick plastic on the bedroom rug with a queen sized chenille bedspread folded in half on top of it.  I bought an exercise pen that is 2 feet high and each section is 2 feet wide and is attached to the next section with 3 little clamp things.  Mary is taking a picture of it now, so I don’t have to do the thousand word thing. LOL  We also purchased a cage with a comfy lamb skin bed, at the same time we got the exerciser.  Bought at Wal-Mart. I’m going to send a copy to Vicky so she can forward this to anyone who might find this helpful. (Vicky’s note: thank you! I am blogging it)
It is relatively inexpensive very easy to put together and Ted loved it and so did we.  I’m lucky to have a large bedroom so that is where it is set up.  He can see me and I can see him.
(Vicky’s note: I so agree, love, and use this same setup when I started). *see picture below* of the set up. Thank you so much!)
He lived in HIS little area, ate, slept, played.  When he came out he was on a lead always by my side if I was working on something and he was off the lead when both my hands and eyes and legs were free.  Which was many hours a day. He is so cute!
(Vicky note: all my puppies are cute!! And… new owners; did you catch when he was out he was on a lead when working around the house; off when both hands/eyes were free. This allows you to show the areas they can and can’t enter). 
THE SECRET TO SUCCESS……..Take puppies potty when they first wake up, 10 minutes after they eat and 5 to 10 minutes after they drink.  The reason I keep them on a lead is so they never have an opportunity to potty in a non-designated area.  If they start to potty you grab them up and take them to the “right” pace.  DO NOT RUN, SLIP, OR FALL getting to the “right” place ’cause you are going to need all extremities in buff condition.  There are some great products out there to clean any accidents. These little suckers maybe little but don’t let their size fool you.  They are fast. Have  “no fail” areas for the puppy set up in advance so you can really be with your puppy and not have to jump up and rescue the pup, electric cords, hang down things that they can reach and pull on top of them.  Vicky gave me a product that you spray on cords and makes them taste bitter.  I’m sure she has or will be telling you about those kinds of things.
(Vicky’s note: it is called Bitter Apple Spray). 
How is my boy with toys?  Ha Ha Ha Ha.  I bought him a squeaky toy yesterday and today he was pulling the stuffing out of it. LOL  In Ted’s defense I checked it and it is not sewn very well.  I need to reinforce the seams and monitor him when he plays with it to make sure this was a fluke.  The toy was not made in America so I always wash them and check for holes. Ted loves to throw them in the air and catch or chase his toys.  He loves squeekys.  And loves to engage Mary or I in a game of keep away. These doodle guys are super athletic, smart, loyal and loving.  
The other secret to raising these guys is to be smarter than them!  GOOD LUCK with that one.  I guess you read to give the command once and then wait so they can think about it.  I told Ted “come” and waited.  His gears in his brain actually started to spin and then I saw the gears engage and he suddenly got this enlightened look on his face and came running!!!!!  GOOD BOY.


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