Doodling leaves little time to post the last few weeks!



The last two weeks we have been busy! Daisy’s litter had more visitors (pictures and videos coming soon) and enjoyed the first romp ever in the puppy yard and the newly planted grass. They also got to play in the tunnel, which is always fun to watch. Lacy greeted her family for the first time and it was a surprise to her “girls” who thought they were coming to help on the farm. Video coming soon of the fun surprise! The puppies also got to visit the big doodles and get some socialization with the bigger pack. A very important learning experience and moving them from a world all their own in terms of pack order to that of the bigger “pack”. This is important for a well rounded dog and the introductions to many different things keep them on their toes and their minds engaged.

We also finally have the future vineyard fields devoid of rocks and Christmas tree stumps and Jeff worked the ripper on the tractor to break up the soil and I got to drive the tractor and till our future vineyards! Was dusty, dirty, hot work and I loved every single minute of it! But as some of you know, my most favorite present from Jeff was a huge load of mushroom compost for my gardens for valentines day! He knows how much I love to grow things. 🙂

Izzy had her xray and vet prewhelp check up with our vet on Monday. She showed four puppies coming and we thought that it would be around Thursday. She came to join us Monday to prepare and get comfortable. I checked on her at lunch as Andrew, our son in law also watched her on Tuesday and we organized our week for preparing for whelp.

Tuesday night just as we were getting home she whelped! We had just got her whelp box ready and luckily we had time to call her “guardian mom” as she wanted to come and view the whelp. She graced us with four girls this litter and all are happy and healthy. We just never know, her first litter was all boys and this litter all girls. I think we have room in this litter but we are waiting to hear from one family that is on hold and ready now to get back on the list.

Wednesday we got the word that Cinnamon was in heat! We thought she had skipped a cycle, so we were planning for October. We decided that we would go with this heat cycle pairing her with Liberty’s Banner, our new up and coming stud muffin is of age and ready for his “first” stand. Cinnamon is a perfect first girl for him and they will make pretty puppies together if everything works out. We decided to take Banner in and visit Cinnie to see how this might work out. They flirted and we chatted about the possible mate and litter with Cinnie’s guardian family.

This Thursday Lacy and Oscar visited the vet for their microchip and desexing surgery. They are recovering well and today I think will be the day that they will want to run and play and voice their opinions of crate training and small run area even more, a mark they are on their way. Sophie we are waiting a bit longer since she will be with us until here family gets back from a wedding. They all had their first shots and I will register their microchips and prepare their records. Thursday night was a bit rough with my little flock of seagulls being uncomfortable and missing sleeping next to their littermates.

Jeff took Friday off for watching the recovery. Friday night usually is still slow going recovery wise, and we both are delighted that  both are well on their way to full recovery. Sunday we should really see them get the spring back into their step.

After checking in with Jeff on the puppies and giving them some TLC  I found that Jeff had moved Izzy and her whelp into the spare bedroom from the living room which Izzy prefers. Her puppies are getting plumper and she is such a good mother! Very attentive and loving.

Then to finish our Friday night Cinnie and Banner visited again! And yes, it was go time! Banner did a Banner job on his first stand with Cinnie! So, looks like Mothers Day will be his second attempt.

Which brings us to today while still leaving much out of the events of the last weeks. Today we plant 4 vines that will be the start of Liberty Vineyards. We are planting a vine for each of our doodles and puppies we produce and  each vine will carry the name of the doodle. More vines will go in next spring as the ground has to be properly dug and then the soil rest. We are ordering our vines and look forward to having a doodle romp and crush with our puppy owners! Today we are also seeding the orchard with a cover of orchard grass. The grass holds the soil and we will mix in some clover to also feed the soil. Once the grass has a good start we will expand the dog run to the Orchard as our doodles get more room to run and romp with shade from the fruit trees we planted and part of the bigger plan of allowing them so much room to romp the hill!

I will add photos and videos tonight to get everything caught up on the web. I have taken tons of videos and pictures, but taking the time to watermark and upload has not been as important as mindful doodling. 🙂

Daisy is scheduled for a grooming as she starts to return to being her wonderful pet doodle self. She does love to check in on Izzy and her puppies (Izzy allows this).  Daisy is now officially done and in a few months will go in for her surgery and enjoy her new role as puppy lover Auntie Daisy.

Happy Mothers Day to Mothers Everywhere!




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