Chief’s long distance “romance” is confirmed..

We are beyond thrilled to announce that Cameo Rose of Windsor Creek Labradoodles and Chief have a planned long distance romance(God Bless the UPS for special delivery J ) . Sidenote: Can’t you hear the song “signed, sealed, delivered.. I’m yours playing in the background? ….No? How about some Rod Stewart… “Tonight’s the night… “???) ? Hum…maybe you need to adjust the sound in your computer? 🙂

Depending on Mother Nature the puppies should be created sometime in late February. Together along with both our reproduction specialists, Chief will be visiting her by test tube  for a “Cameo” appearance. She is the first in the three studdings we are allowing for 2009. They should make wonderful puppies together! I am so excited!

Watch for more information on our page about their future litter together..Windsor Creek and Liberty Labradoodles are anticipating something magical for their first litter.  So, my dears.. join with me in a toast.. Here is to the new years, the first litter and as always….

 May God Bless you, your family and watch over your puppies always.

 Xx Jeff & Vicky


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