Busy Week!
- Posted on 9th September 2012
- in Featured
- by jvfairbanks
Yippie! Survived back to school week for another year! This is always a busy time for me, first getting ready for teachers to report back and then getting students started back. There is setting up emails accounts, user names and passwords, computers, database trainings for staff and then the students arrive which is making sure transportation and registration and class schedules and lunch tickets are in place.
I love the first day of school with all the students showing up with their new clothes and backpacks and the new year begins! This year two of my co-workers had their children start kindergarten and I remember my own children starting and yes, I was one of those crying mothers as I left them for their first day, knowing that was the first step towards them growing up into adults.
Our daughter, almost 30 now is back in school! She is a life long learner and loves her grad school and pursuit in Speech Pathology and her new husband loves her passion for her future. They will be joining us shortly to help build doodle acres since we plan on keeping doodle acres in the family for many generations. Our son is currently living in the south and he and our new daughter in law are expecting our first human doodle! Yes! Finally we are going to be grandparents and I am so thrilled you just can’t imagine! I am already making a baby quilt! Of course, it has a puppy in the middle. I am told brown is the new “yellow” when you don’t know yet if the future doodler is a boy or a girl. 🙂 Jeff and I are calling each other grandma and grandpa; then we wonder since the baby will have a southern drawl if we will be pa-pa and mo-mo or nanny or? More research will be in order!
Drexler, Porter, and Kersey are growing and loving life on doodle acres. All three, as of today, are still looking for their homes. Usually, our puppies are spoken for and we don’t advertise but looks like we are going to have to run an add soon. We dropped the price since it would be the same as running an add on google. I will probably work on the page and update pictures and add videos before we order our add.
The three puppies are really loving the area where we recently removed a tree stump and digging that area; literally! 🙂 Chief, their sire loves running and jumping with them while Libby shows them rope toys and then after a quick show runs off with it. Belle, she just barks if they jump on her too much. Someone has to keep order in the pack!
This Friday was a small pool where they had lots of water time, but then decided the dirt of the stump area we pulled was much better adding a wet doodle! They invented a new sport doodle mud wrestling! Adding water to the mix does make a puppy very happy!
After the water fun was dinner, taking up the pool, and then that evening we followed with a bath for the boys, which also meant we were both soaked! We lay towels on the ground so they can dry and they get lap time, toweling them off and handling their feet, ears, and preparing them for their sani-trim, eye trim with treating them with a “goodie”. They love Chicken jerkey and we are using that to teach them sit.
I am uploading a video snippet of the event and you have to know that Jeff, who the boys just love as the pack leader, changed from his wet clothes into some comfortable old clothes as we follow the drying with some doodle clean up. It is always a whole evening event washing and grooming the pups in the evening.
For us just like starting kindergarten, it is the baby steps we take from puppy hood in learning to act while bathing and grooming and being in the house that leads to being a good doodle.
Enjoy the Video! I will be embedding it soon below.
Saturday morning we woke to a smoky sunrise I just have to share. We love our view and our journey of taking an unloved farm to our forever home; full of doodles and coming soon, the doodle vineyards! We are planning on naming each vine after each of our puppies and our family. And yes, your all going to be invited to the “crush”. 🙂
Other doodle news, Liam’s first litter is here with his second coming soon and I am thrilled at what he threw! I will post links in a bit. We also have a new up and coming Stud, Banner, that we will begin testing to hopefully join the ranks of our lineage. All our dogs are tested out and Banner and his lines will be just perfect to compliment ours; but time will tell. He is just a honey but I am trying to not get to excited just yet.
As usual, forgive my quick typing, rambling, and typos. I am sitting at our laptop, looking over the Christmas trees we planted in “the lower 40”, (1/2 acre) and pondering that in a few years, we will have our doodle owners up to cut their Christmas tree, plant another, and the price you ask? A visit with our doodle!
Happy Doodling!